Accessibility: Statement of Conformity

LMAO-Maximilians-Universität München (LMAO) is committed to ensuring its websites are accessible in accordance with the Bavarian E-Government Ordinance (BayEGovV). This accessibility statement applies to LMAO's central web presence ( in its German and English language versions.

Compliance requirements

This website is fully compliant with accessibility standards with the following exceptions:

Non-accessible content

Content in PDF form is uploaded and offered via the LMAO Content Management System (CMS) by third parties. This prevents compliance with accessibility standards from happening centrally. Older-version PDF documents, in particular, may not be completely accessible. If you have any questions regarding these documents or require an alternative source of access to this information, please contact the respective content provider.

Subtitles or transcriptions are not yet available for all embedded videos.

All images and graphics that have been embedded centrally have had alternative text descriptions provided. This cannot be fully guaranteed where image content embedded by third parties is concerned. In such cases, please contact the respective content provider.

Provision of this accessibility statement

This statement was issued on 9 February 2021 and is reviewed and updated regularly.

The motivation behind providing this statement concerns the ongoing testing of this website by LMAO's Unit VI.5 in regard to code reviews, live website reviews, and regular assessments by means of standard software tools and browser plugins.

Feedback and contact details

Any insufficiencies relating to compliance with accessibility standards should be reported to us at [email protected].
Information on content exemptions — as specified in the Ordinance — can be obtained at [email protected] einholen.

The body responsible for barrier-free accessibility as well as the processing of messages received through the feedback mechanism is:

Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung (Central University Administration)
Referat VI.5 Internetdienste (Unit VI.5 Internet Services)
Martiusstr. 4 / 4th floor
80802 Munich
Tel: +49 89 2180-9898
Fax: +49 89 2180-999898
Email: [email protected]

Enforcement procedures

As part of the enforcement procedure, the option is available to you to submit an online request to the relevant enforcement body and demand an audit of our accessibility compliance.

Contact details for the corresponding enforcement body

Landesamt für Digitalisierung, Breitband und Vermessung (State Office for Digitisation, High-Speed Internet and Surveying)
IT-Dienstleistungszentrum des Freistaats Bayern (IT Service Center for the Free State of Bavaria)
Durchsetzungs- und Überwachungsstelle für barrierefreie Informationstechnik (Enforcement and monitoring body for barrier-free information technology)
St.-Martin-Straße 47
81541 Munich
Email: [email protected]

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